The day that changed the way I teach piano  

and revolutionized my students' learning & progress

And that changed everything for my students. They love that they can sit down at any piano in any place and create an impressive song. They love that learning new pieces from their method books is easier because they know scales and chords. They love performing their creations for family and friends, and this skyrockets their confidence. And I love that they love the piano and are progressing.

Kids Love Improvising and Composing

Kids who have been learning with the Piano Magic curriculum have a ton of fun creating their own music at the piano!  

Click on a video below to see examples of pieces created by kids who've learned with Piano Magic.  

Zander performed his composition at a recital. My biggest regret is that I didn't record the beginning!  

Alex has been creating since he was 6 years old. He called this piece “Voldemort Riding on a Hoverboard.”  

Beginner students, like Amy, first learn how to create their own simple melodies. They are always so proud of their music!  

Even my youngest beginners are asked to perform a piece they created at the recital. Everett's family loved to hear what he composed!

Piano Teachers Love Using the Piano Magic Curriculum! 

Click on a video below to hear what these piano teachers have to say about their experience with the Piano Magic curriculum.  

Susan likes teaching her students how to play creatively with the Piano Magic curriculum.  

Carolee loves that the teacher instructions are easy to learn from, so that it's simple to teach these creative concepts to kids.  

Karen likes Piano Magic’s system for teaching scales to kids in a fun way, and then teaching kids how to use them.  

Piano Teacher Testimonials

"Our recital was very exciting. Our students were asked to perform one Christmas song and a song they created using your system. Parents were amazed and frankly so was I. Thanks so much. Your curriculum has revitalized my students and ME!" -Victor G.  

"My students are loving the improv exercises! It has really captured their attention! ...thank you SO much for your course! I just love it! Honestly, it will be quite a while before I get through all 5 modules with my students. But I am excited about it and so are they!" -Lara L.  

"First of all thank you for your course. I thoroughly enjoyed learning your improv techniques. Isn't it crazy that piano teachers who are classically trained have no knowledge of basic improv techniques? (I include myself in this category!) I most enjoyed your scaffolding of concepts. Your checksheets at the beginning of the lesson were helpful tools to the progress of learning taking place for each module. If I could follow your scaffolding of concepts; and build from one skill to another; then I know I can teach the same way to my students. They will learn more thoroughly and be able to recall more efficiently improv concepts learned because of the order in which you introduced each skill/concept." -Donna R.

What is Piano Scales Make Piano Magic?

It's my fun and innovative system for teaching piano improv and composition to kids. It has been so fun to see what kids can create at the piano!  

Because of the curriculum’s success with my students, several years ago I started making it available for other teachers to purchase. The curriculum has been a big hit and is currently being used by piano teachers all over the world, including New Zealand, Australia, the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Spain, Greece, Canada, and the United States. Teachers and students love it!  

The Piano Scales Make Piano Magic curriculum is designed especially for kids. It guides students from the very beginning, so that even simple improvisation sounds great and builds kids' skills in a fun, stress-free, incremental way. In addition to teaching how to improvise or compose a melody, use chord progressions, and play with fun left hand patterns, this curriculum also covers:  

  • Formulas for playing in different styles such as rock and roll, jazz, boogie, and beautiful ballads 
  • Tips for embellishing the right hand melody, making it sound fuller and more interesting 
  • A list of fun improv licks that kids can whip out anytime to jazz up their songs 
  • Easy techniques for creating pieces in different moods, and how to switch moods within a piece  

You get digital access to this curriculum and a license to print an unlimited number of copies for an unlimited number of students. You'll find over 60 pages of fun printable improv and composition activities, with instructions and colorful cartoons that enage kids and get them excited to play.  

And because these activities follow my special sequence for learning improv and composition, you'll watch kids' skills and love for the piano grow with each new step!  

I have improv and composition activities that you can use with new beginners--even before they know note names and scales. These are super fun activities that are quickly mastered and build confidence while showing kids just how much fun playing the piano can be.  

Then I'll walk you step by step through how to help kids understand how important and useful scales and chords are. I will show how your students can use these fundamentals to really understand how music works and create their own fun improvised songs and compositions. They'll be amazed to discover how easy and fun it is to make magic at the piano.  

Teacher Training Course  

In addition to the curiculum, I created a teacher training course to help you be successful.

This online training course is designed especially for piano teachers. First I teach you how to learn piano improv and composition yourself if it's new to you. This way you can get in on the fun right away and have the ability to confidently create your own impressive pieces and you will never again be embarrassed if you get asked to "play something" when you don't have sheet music with you.  

So not only do you get a done-for-you improv and composition curriculum, you also get over 70 teacher training videos. In the teacher training course I teach you:  

  • How to start teaching improv and composition, even if it's brand new to you 
  • How to improvise or compose a melody 
  • Fun left hand patterns that can change the entire feel of a piece 
  • How to introduce chord progressions to kids 
  • How to incorporate piano improv and composition into your current curriculum so that you can cover everything students need to become well rounded players 

Most importantly, I demonstrate every activity from the curriculum at the the piano, so that you can look over my shoulder and see exactly how to play each one and feel confident as you teach your students.  

In addition, we'll discuss how piano improv and composition can help you:  

  • Reengage kids who are bored and reduce the piano drop out rate  
  • Accelerate the progress of kids who are not good note readers 
  • Inspire kids who are timid or afraid so they can relax and play confidently 
  • Give kids the skills for a lifetime of enjoyment at the piano 

I know that you're busy and that coordinating schedules would be impossible, so I've made it easy for you to view the teacher training videos at the time that is most convenient for you.  

The videos are divided among five modules. Each week a new module will be released and you will be able to log in and view the training at any time. Additionally, your login never expires, so you will always be able to access and review the video demonstrations and training videos.  

  Get Help and Answers to Your Questions  

I know that piano improv and composition are new to many teachers and I want you to be successful with this curriculum. So in addition to the teacher training videos, you can contact me directly with any questions you may have as you progress through the course.  

I'll also provide a Q&A so that you can&see the answers to questions other teachers have asked and feel 100% confident with the curriculum and with teaching beginner piano improv and composition to your students.  

You'll Also Learn My Fail-Proof Formula for Teaching Scales and Chords to Kids  

Because I like to teach my students how and why things work, I relate all the improv and composition activities back to scales and chords. This means my students need to know their scales and chords well.  

I follow a special sequence when teaching scales to kids, and this formula has been one of the most popular purchased items on my website. I'll share this system with you alongside the improv and composition curriculum so that your students can both master their scales and apply them to create their own stunning pieces.  

Not only has this formula been proven over and over to effectively teach these critical fundamentals to kids, it is also a lot of fun! My students enjoy learning scales, practice them well at home and pass them off at their lesson. 

Included are scales progress charts so that kids can see where they're at, celebrate their accomplishments, and stay motivated.  

Become a More Valuable Teacher  

Piano improv and composition are something that everybody wants to learn, but is not widely taught. You'll really stand out when you start including improv and composition alongside your regular curriculum. In fact, you may even be able to increase your prices because you are offering so much more.  

Word spreads when kids get excited about something and this can help your studio grow. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising, and when parents are amazed by what their kids are creating, you can be sure they'll be talking about it and the incredible piano teacher that you are.  

How Does the Course Work?  

The Piano Scales Make Piano Magic currculum and teacher training course are divided among five online modules

Each week you get a new module that is filled with fun improv and composition activities that follow my special skill-building sequence. Each module also has teacher training videos and student checklists so that you can keep track of where your students are at.  

Througout the week, you can ask me questions. I personally answer all your questions and help you understand and apply everything from the course. At the end of the week I'll compile all the questions into a Q&A so that you c&n see the answers to questions other teachers have asked.  

What Does the Package Include?  

I made it my goal to include everything you need to be successful as you start teaching piano improv and composition, even if piano improv and composition are new to you. This is a HUGE bundle, and here's what you'll get: 

  • You get my complete beginner piano improv and composition curriculum. This is the exact sequence of activities and instructions that I use to get my students creating impressive piano music. 
  • You receive a studio license to print an unlimited number of copies for an unlimited number of students within your studio.  
  • You also get the full online teacher training course, that shows you my special system for teaching kids how to improvise and compose a melody, play fun left hand patterns, and create songs in a variety of impressive styles.  
  • You get student tracking logs that will help you keep track of each student's progress. There is a log for each module and you can check off each activity as a student passes it off. This valuable tool will help you stay organized and help you remember what your students are working on. 
  • You get Teacher Checklists that will help you as you progress through the teacher training course. After you watch a training video, you'll then be able to go to the piano and try out the fun piano improv and composition technique you've just learned. Check it off once completed, and then move on to the next training video. These teacher checklists allow you to progress through the modules at your own pace and keep track of your progress. 
  • In addition, I'm giving you my special formula for teaching piano scales, chords and arpeggios to kids in a fun, stress-free way. Included are fun, printable, kid-friendly scales progress charts and video tutorials. Kids love completing their progress charts and fly through their scales. Kids also love learning "The Scale From Under the Sea" and "The Spider Scale". 
  • You get email support. You can contact me with any questions you have as you're learning piano improv and composition. I want you to be successful and am here to help. 
  • You get access to the Piano Magic Q&A. You'll be able to see the questions that other teachers have asked, and see the answers to their questions.  

How much would it cost you to take several sessions of beginner piano improv and composition lessons? And then how much time would you spend to translate what you learned into a program that you're confident will be effective and enaging for kids? Or if you purchased a set of teaching materials, how much would it cost for just one student?  

Right now, you can get my beginner piano improv and composition curriculum for kids that's been proven effective by teachers from all over the world, the teacher training course, and my formula for teaching scales and chords to kids, plus the license to reproduce the curriculum for all the students you will ever have. You get the complete package for only $197 and you'll be amazed by what your students create!  

And when you purchase right away, you'll also get a special bonus!

Bonus Worksheets  

Free Bonus: The Magic Theory Worksheets accompany the Piano Scales Make Piano Magic system and I'll give you digital access and a studio license so that you can print as many copies as you'd like to use with your students.  

These worksheets allow you to delve deeper into the theory behind the concepts and works great with students who love learning why things work.  

Special 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee  

I have put my heart into the Piano Scales Make Piano Magic curriculum and Teacher Training Course and I know they will be exactly what you need to teach beginner piano improv and composition to kids. I invite you to try it out and really apply everything you learn.  

Try it out and if, after using the materials, the course isn't helping you teach improv and composition to kids, you can get a full refund. All you need to do is email me within 30 days of the date of purchase requesting a refund, and return the materials along with any bonuses, and I will refund your money 100%.  

There is absolutely no risk to you when you buy Piano Scales Make Piano Magic today.  

Get Piano Magic Today  

When you buy today during this special re-release, you get: 

  • Piano Magic: Piano Improv and Composition Student Curriculum - over 70 printables  
  • Piano Magic: Teacher Training Course - more than 75 video tutorials 
  • Student Tracking Logs 
  • Teacher Checklists 
  • Piano Magic: System for Teaching Piano Scales, Chords and Arpeggios to Kids 
  • Studio License - print unlimited copies for an unlimited number of students within your studio 
  • Email support 
  • Access to Piano Magic Q&A so that you can see the answers to questions that other teachers have asked  

You also get this special bonus: 

  • Free Bonus: Magic Theory Worksheets (digitally accessed, with studio license) [$20 value]  

Reg Price: $197 Today's Price with coupon code: $187 [Enter coupon code at checkout: MAGIC33]  

Click the button below to get your complete Piano Scales Make Piano Magic curriculum and Teacher Training Course and give your students the skills they need for a lifetime of enjoyment at the piano.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do these improv and composition activities work for group lessons as well as private lessons?  

A: Yes, you can use these activities in either a group lesson or a private lesson setting. In either setting, you (the teacher) first explain and demonstrate an activity. Then you let students try it out on their piano.  

Send kids home with the instruction sheet (printable instructions included with your purchase) and an assignment to practice and create with this concept at home. Then, you can look forward to hearing what they come back with at the next lesson! 

Q: How does teaching piano improv and composition benefit a piano teacher?

Most piano teachers share two overarching aspirations: They hope to be remembered as a positive influence in their students' lives. They also wish to inspire a lifetime of enjoyment at the piano.  

One reason why the piano dropout rate is so high is because the traditional approach requires years of training before kids can play music they enjoy. When kids are bored, they tell their friends and this can ruin a studio's reputation. Piano improv and composition are fun and allow even new beginners to have a blast at the piano. Piano improv and composition can also reenage kids whose interest is waning and get them excited about their lessons.  

It is humiliating for students when they get asked to play the piano, but they don't have sheet music with them. This leaves them embarassed and feeling bitterly dissappointed with their instruction. Kids need to learn how the piano really works, and when they do they can sit down at any piano anywhere to enjoy themselves or entertain (and impress) others.

Your students will love learning to create their own songs. It boosts their confidence and makes them excited to show off for family and friends. And when kids get excited about something, word spreads fast!  

Some teachers are even able to increase their prices, because they're offering so much more.  

You'll find that when you follow my step-by-step formula, teaching improv and composition to kids is easy and rewarding. Your students will impress you and make you proud.  

Most importantly, when you teach piano improv and composition, you give kids the skills they need for a lifetime of enjoyment at the piano.

Q: How is the course structured?

A: When I surveyed piano teachers, I discovered that you're just like me! You are very busy juggling piano teaching with family and other responsibilites. You want a complete done-for-you improv and composition curriculum that is ready to go. You also want an easy and convenient way to learn piano improv and composition that does not require you to travel--saving you time and money.  

This curriculum and teacher training course is designed especially for you. The material is divided into 5 online modules. A new module will be released each week, and you can print the improv and composition activities for your students and access the teacher training at any time that is convenient for you.  

The modules have video tutorials that walk you step by step through the exact system I use to teach piano improv and composition to my students, and you will be able to ask questions and get individualized help. I personally answer all your questions so that you can be confident as you teach your students.  

At the end of the week, I will compile all the questions into a Q&A, allowing you to see the answers to questions others have asked.  

Your access to the course will remain open forever, so that you can go back and review the modules at any time, even after the 5 week course is completed. You'll quickly see how easy it is to create music and be amazed with what your students create once you get them started with this system!

Q: Do you share your innovative approach for introducing scales to kids?

A: Yes! You'll learn my innovative approach for introducing scales and chords. If you approach scales incorrectly, kids will not make progress because scales can be difficult and frustrating (not to mention boring!) for young kids. Scales are critical and I'll show you the proper sequence plus how to make it fun. 

I have also included reproducible piano scales progress charts so that kids can celebrate their achievements and stay motivated.  

In addition, I will show you how to teach kids to quickly move their hands between chords in each key. Not only does this ability open up the world of piano improv and composition, it makes it even easier for kids to learn the pieces from their method books.  

This results in quicker mastery of new pieces, less frustration, more progress, and more satisfaction with their piano studies.